2016 Annual General Meeting

October 14, 2016

The Annual General Meeting for Normanby RLFC Inc. will be held on Saturday 29 October 2016 at 10.30am at Red Hill Community Sports Club, 22 Fulcher Rd Red Hill.

All members and players of the club are invited to attend. The business of the meeting will including electing the executive positions (President, Secretary and Treasurer) and general committee members for Normanby RLFC Inc. for the 2017 committee.

With a number of exciting changes both on and off the field to be announced for the 2017 season, the role of the committee in guiding the club forward will be as important as ever. We encourage those with a passion for the club to consider putting their hand up to come on board in 2017.

Nomination for a committee positions can be made by any current member of the club. Nominations will be considered in advance by submitting a short written nomination email to secretary@houndsrlfc.com as well as taken from the floor or by proxy during the AGM.

Most importantly, we encourage all members, players, friends and others to please stick around after the AGM to enjoy a few drinks. The Derby Day races from Flemington will be screened live for those wanting to have a punt.


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